Coloniae My Colony 2 Update

Posted by Sobeirannovaocc on 1609961032

Last update 1609936798

Happy new year!

At the start of every new year, since Coloniae went live in August 2018, an update larger than usual is released. January 2019 and 2020 both saw a new design. The highlight for this year is My Colony 2!

I've been following the developement of My Colony 2 since the talks started in June 2020. A lot happened in November and December and I decided to put together some tools for this new game. All of this is available at Let's see what there is!


My Colony 2 Wiki

This is the My Colony 2 Reference. It is also better than the MC1 reference : it is collaborative. It's a wiki, so everyone in the community can create and edit pages about the whole MC2 ecosystem - versions, lore elements, game concepts, game mechanics, and I can't think of them all! Of course game items are listed there (such as units and structures, but also worlds etc.) but they benefit from a special treatment : a bot enters all the data into the page automatically. To log in to the wiki, you don't have to create an account : you can log in using your Ape Aps account! Isn't that wonderful?


My Colony Translations

Coloniae partenered with Ape Apps to offer support for translating My Colony 2. There is a web desktop translation editor as well as Tradbay, an Android app made specifically for the translation of My Colony 2. You will find all relevant information in and on the forum thread. In My Colony 2, the absolute entirety of the game is translatable, and with these tools anyone is able to translate the game very easily and rapidly!

Tradbay app.

Web desktop editor.


Game file explorers

My Colony 2 content is mainly made up of two file types : .c2d and .vpp files. c2d files are files that describe a game object such as an unit, a structure, a world or even a biome. vpp files contain the voxel model information, which is the visuals of the object. When creating a new game object in the game editor, you import a vpp file that gets embed in the final c2d file of the object.

In under the Tools section you will find the c2d explorer and the Voxel model viewer - they allow for viewing respectively .c2d and .vpp files. Not all c2d object types are supported - for now, only worlds, units, and structures are confirmed to be working.


That's it for this update of Coloniae, hope you'll like it, and stayed tuned for more!



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